RIVERDALE Riverdale is a famous American mystery teen drama based on the Archie Comic characters produced by Warner Brothers. The drama is set in the fictional town Riverdale. When a teenager was murdered mysteriously within the town, a group of teenagers tries to find the reason behind his death. As the story moves on, they find various mysteries and evils lurking inside the town Riverdale. Riverdale was first released on 26 th January 2017 with the total of 6 seasons of 117 episodes. And in March 2022, the show has renewed for the seventh season which might premiere in 2023. All season of Riverdale is available on Amazon prime and Netflix. Riverdale season 1 Riverdale season 1 first aired on 26 January 2017 and the last episodes of this season 1 aired at 11 May 2017. Riverdale season 1 has the total of 13 episodes Riverdale begins with students entering the new school year but still the death the Jason remains a mystery in the town. Betty dives into the investigation...
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